Lindsey in Austria

Lindsey Vonn recently came to Austria for the first time since her knee surgery and was a guest in “Sport and Talk aus dem Hangar-7”, shown on Servus TV.

She explained the situation with her knee, talked about her future career and goals and how she is preparing for her comeback. Then, in connection with several sponsor appointments in Switzerland (Roger Federer Challenge), Lindsey performed the traditional trainings camp at the Alpenresort Schwarz in Mieming/Tirol, which was organized by ASP (Athletes Special Projects) Red Bull, to get ready for the season. Together they worked on her physical fitness, as well as on the rehabilitation and stabilization of her knee. Strength coach and physiotherapist looked after her the whole time during her stay, to optimize a faster and better recovery of her knee. Consistently Lindsey is working very hard on her comeback and hopefully we will see her back on skis soon.



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